The magazine Artinside visited Klaus Littmann in Venice to report on his art intervention ARENA FOR A TREE. In the video interview, Klaus provides insights into the project’s development and describes the visitors’ reactions.

Many thanks to Artinside for the visit and the video.

ARSENALE NORD, VENICE, until July 31, 2024
Tue – Sun, 11am – 7pm (free entry, free shuttle boat)

The two sides of the Arsenale can be reached by water thanks to a free shuttle boat (between Arsenale Nord and Giardino delle Vergini) or via ACTV stop “Bacini – Arsenale Nord” or by foot from Campo de la Celestia, via the suspended bridge along the north boundary wall of the Arsenale.

Presented by Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger in collaboration with ECC Italy.

Video: Artinside

With material from: Federico Vespignani | Chiara Becattini | Giacomo Vidoni | Claudio Martin | Gerhard Maurer | Unimo | Aviaticfilms

more about ARENA FOR A TREE, Basel 2021 / Zurich 2022 / Venice 2024