The Blue Gold: A street action by Klaus Littmann
The past summer set new heat records. Europe’s forests are prematurely yellow or are on fire, politicians are gearing up for winter in the face of a potential energy shortage. And while Pakistan has been submerged in the floods of an epic monsoon, the city of Basel is testing the invention of mist showers. This innovation aimed at containing peak temperatures in concreted urban spaces is where Klaus Littmann comes in. His campaign is temporary in nature, does not involve any technology, and evaporates as tracelessly as the clouds of mist that the city-canton emits to counter climate change. Is this a recipe for a smart city? Is this what measures for the sustainable use of our most important resource look like?
Littmann expresses his dissatisfaction in front of the city hall, on the pavement, in water and by hand:
The cartridge of his long writing utensil is a PET bottle, the tip is a simple sponge. The appeal is directed at the office of the city’s president; passers-by have to read it quickly as the beginning evaporates almost before the second exclamation mark is written. Obviously the brief action illustrates how heat causes water to disappear.
Out of sight, out of mind – a gust of wind eliminates all knowledge of individual responsibility for the climate and nature.
Video/Photos: @aviaticfilms
more about The Blue Gold: A street action by Klaus Littmann 2022
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