ARENA FOR A TREE Venice – an Art Intervention by Klaus Littmann

On July 13, the Wigwam Club Giardini Storici Venezia, in collaboration with ECC Italy, organized the event “IN AQUA SCRIBIS | BIODIVERSITÀ E IMPERMANENZA.” After a tour of the garden at Spazio Thetis, participants visited the “Arena for a Tree,” shaded by the leaves of a bald cypress. To enrich the experience, performer Oreste Sabbadin and artist Klaus Littmann presented a performance featuring readings, clarinet improvisations, and “water words” written on the stone slabs of the floating arena. The result was a dialogue exploring the themes of impermanence and transience in nature and life.

Many thanks to: @giardini_storici_venezia @orestesabadin @ecc_italy @spaziothetis

ARSENALE NORD, Venice, ONLY until July 31, 2024
Tue – Sun, 11am – 7pm | free entry, free shuttle boat

The two sides of the Arsenale can be reached by water thanks to a free shuttle boat (between Arsenale Nord and Giardino delle Vergini) or via ACTV stop “Bacini – Arsenale Nord” or by foot from Campo de la Celestia, via the suspended bridge along the north boundary wall of the Arsenale.

Presented by KBH.G in collaboration with ECC Italy

Video/Photos: Chiara Becattini, Claudio Martin, Francesca Saccani Federico Vespignani

more about ARENA FOR A TREE, Basel 2021 / Zurich 2022 / Venice 2024