ARENA FOR A TREE, Venice – an Art Intervention by Klaus Littmann
Seen close-up, the “Arena for a Tree” reveals itself as architecture, sculpture and stage rolled into one. Its horizontal structure, which was inspired by tree rings, provides three tiers of seating for around fifty spectators – all with unobstructed views of the centre, where three trees sprout from a central pool. It is no coincidence that the choice of tree fell on the swamp cypress: it thrives on both freshwater and seawater, withstands gales, can soak up large amounts of floodwater, and promises to survive even scorching urban summers. The main exhibition of the “La Biennale di Venezia” addresses that which is foreign. “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere” provides a stage for artists whose work focuses on national, linguistic, religious or gender identity as well as their perception of themselves and others. And “Arena for a Tree”, too, has the theme of migration as its leitmotif: over long geological periods, the swamp cypress was native to different regions of the world. Its “natural” home today is mainly in Mexico, Guatemala, along the Mississippi River and into the US state of Missouri. In view of global warming, it is also likely to take root in Europe. Venice is the third and final destination – and the first on water.
ARSENALE NORD, VENICE, until July 31, 2024
Tue – Sun, 11am – 7pm (free entry)
ACTV stop “Bacini – Arsenale Nord” or by foot from Campo de la Celestia, via the suspended bridge along the north boundary wall of the Arsenale.
Presented by Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger in collaboration with ECC Italy (European Cultural Centre)
Video: Direction and cinematographer: Chiara Becattini | Cinematographer: Giacomo Vidoni | Drone pilot: Claudio Martin
more about ARENA FOR A TREE, Basel 2021 / Zurich 2022 / Venice 2024