ARENA FOR A TREE, Venice – an Art Intervention by Klaus Littmann

Nothing is as peaceful as a tree. Not coincidentally, it is invoked in many cultures as a metaphor for life and rootedness. A tree can, even more: it wants to stand for peace. As if folded out, a narrow staircase offers free access. After that, everything is up to us: Will we enter the tiny arena? If so, alone? With friends? With strangers? Or do we simply pass by, leaving the intimacy of intersecting glances to others? Will we talk about the way the high lattice walls are made? About the artistic character of this temporary memorial for a tree? Or are we just there—a circularly distributed public facing a tree?

ARSENALE NORD, VENICE, until July 31, 2024
Tue – Sun, 11am – 7pm (free entry)

The two sides of the Arsenale can be reached by water thanks to a free shuttle boat (between Arsenale Nord and Giardino delle Vergini) or via ACTV stop “Bacini – Arsenale Nord” or by foot from Campo de la Celestia, via the suspended bridge along the north boundary wall of the Arsenale.

Presented by Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger in collaboration with ECC Italy as well as the support of the Venice City Council and the port authorities.

Photos: Federico Vespignani | Claudio Martin

#arenaforatree #foreignerseverywhere #LaBiennaleDiVenezia #BiennaleArte

more about ARENA FOR A TREE, Basel 2021 / Zurich 2022 / Venice 2024
